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This tag (along with /iERROR) provides error handling capabilities within the HTML file. The commands between the start iERROR and end tag /iERROR are only executed if an error occurs. Using the iIF statements, it is possible to react to errors depending on their nature.
Usage It is good habit to use a standard Error block during the site development process. To do this, place an error block in the beginning of an html file that contains iHTML 2.1 tag extensions.
CommentYou may wish to pass these variables to a common error handler page for processing. If you do not handle errors with the error block marked by iERROR and /iERROR, the server returns an error immediately (i.e., if an error block does not trap and process an error, the server responds to the browser with a "server error" error code).
NoteNote that you should use <iCLEAR> in the <iERROR> tags or make sure closing sets of brackets are provided since you may get a 'Document contains no data' error message from the browser.
The iERROR block will not get processed for errors occurring in the <iHTML> tag. You must use the FAILURE directive of that tag to display error messages.

iERROR example
Example Source Code