iHTML - Server Side Scripting/Programming Language
Inline Internet Systems, Inc.
Inline HyperText Markup Language Extension ToolsInline HyperText Markup Language Extension Tools

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Unique in iHTML

The following is a list of the tags and tag features that are not found in Cold Fusion 3.0. Couldn't these make your web development more powerful?

More on iHTML Tags and Editions

/iAUTHOR Ends the iAUTHOR block
/iCASE Closes the iCASE tag set
/iFAX Closes the iFAX tag set
/iFORMAT End tag for iFORMAT
/iSWITCH Closes the iSWITCH tag set
/iWHILE Closes the iWHILE tag set
iAUTHOR Will leave original source in the page sent to the browser
iCGI Runs any CGI, EXE, Batch program on the server
iCLASSC Gets the Class C address of the current visitor
iCLEAR Clears all processed content from the buffer
iCOUNTER Get value from automated counters for a page
iDOTDOT Drops down one directory level on the server path
iDSN Get the default datasource name
iFAX Send Faxes from the web server (needs Fax modem)
iFONTDEFINE Define fonts for use in graphics
iFORMAT Used to format results when replacing tags with data, similar to PRE
iGMTIME Returns Greenwich Mean Time
iIMAGECLEARCOLOR Clear a specified colour from an image
iIMAGECOPY Copy an image to another
iIMAGECREATE Create a new memory position for a graphic
iIMAGEDESTROY Destroy the image being built in memory
iIMAGEFILL Fill Image with a particular colour
iIMAGEFROMFILE Load an image from a file
iIMAGEGETCOLOR Get the colour of a specified pixel
iIMAGEGETCOMPONENT Gets the red, green, or blue component of a pixel colour
iIMAGEGETINFO Get the information on a specified image
iIMAGEGETPIXEL Gets the color index of pixel at x,y in an image
iIMAGELINE Draw a line
iIMAGERECT Draw a rectangle
iIMAGESETBRUSH Set the brush style
iIMAGESETINTERLACE Set whether a gif is stored as interlaced (quickdraw) or not
iIMAGESETPIXEL Set a specified pixel
iIMAGESETSTYLE Create a new style for brushes and fills
iIMAGESETTRANSPARENT Set the image as transparent
iIMAGESTRETCH Stretch the image
iIMAGETEXT Display text in the image
iIMAGEWITHIN Put one image within another
iIMAGEWRITE Write the built image to disk
iIP Gets the domain given an IP or IP given the domain
iISALPHA Returns TRUE if the text is alphanumeric
iISTIME Returns TRUE if the specified time is a valid time
iJOY Read joystick position on the server
iLINK Formats an href link (basically just a macro)
iNAP Waits for a specified period of time
iNUMTEXT Returns English words for a specified number
iPAGER Send messages to a numeric/alphanumeric pager (needs modem)
iPAY Links to popular electronic payment systems
iPEEK Used with iPUSH to determine client existence
iPING Returns time in milliseconds for specified IP address
iPORT Read and write to the serial port on the server
iPUSH Server Push for use in pushing graphical images to a browser client
iRANDOM Generate a random record from a database (ie: random ads)
iREFRESH Used with to reread the program settings from the registry
iSEARCH Use with iINDEX to search your web site
iSQLCOLUMNS Get the column names for a specified database table
iSQLFETCH Gets a result record one at a time
iSQLPROCCOLUMNS Get a stored procedure columns
iSQLPROCS Get a list of the stored procedures for a specified database
iSQLTABLES Get the table names for a specified database
iSTRCAT Concatenate two strings
iSTRKEEP Keeps or omits certain characters within a string
iSTRNCMP Compares two strings for N characters, case sensitive
iSTRNICMP Compares two strings for N characters, case insensitive
iSTRRPAD Pads string to the right with a specified character
iSVC Starts and stops NT services
iTHREADS Returns the number of active threads running on the server
iTIMESLOT Performs the specified action if current time is within the specified time
iVIDCAP Capture live video from Connectix camera onto the web
iVIEWFILE View WP and other files natively on the web without conversion

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