See the iHTML Merchant in Action!
The iHTML Merchant Gets it's own web site!
Coming Soon: iHTML Enterprise Merchant with more functionality!
With serious commerce a reality on today's Web, iHTML 2.1 Pro gives you all the tools you need to implement secure, web-based transactions and turn-key online stores. iHTML Merchant, a full-fledged merchant server, offers the following features...
Turn-key Store Template
There's no need to start from scratch to set up you and your customer's Web stores. With this professionally designed store template, simply enter your product and company information, graphics, etc., and you're up and running in no time. Adding new stores is as easy as selecting an option from the installation screen. Unlike many expensive merchant solutions,
there are no limits on the number of products, categories, subcategories or even the number of completely separate stores you can deploy with a single iHTML Merchant installation.
Browser-Based Management
Virtually everything about your Web store can be set, managed or modified from anywhere on the Net through the
easy-to-use browser-based interface. There's no need to get into the HTML even to change the look and feel of your store
(though you can, of course, if you'd like). If you host stores for small businesses, they'll love this easy interface that gives them control––and you'll love that they don't have to contact you to make changes.
Shopping Cart
iHTML Merchant features an advanced shopping cart that lets shoppers select items for purchase as they're browsing through a Web store and purchase them all at once or even come back later and pick up their shopping where they left off.
The shopping basket is implemented using cookies as well as hidden fields for those behind firewalls.
The checkout button integrates to the iPAY tag in iHTML for
a transaction with CyberCash or through Internet Secure. The person using the Store Front
would have to make the necessary modifications to enable commerce
with another provider. There is the ability to clear the
basket as well. The products can also be delivered electronically
through the merchant system.
Through a partnership with Online Creations who provided the CyberCash Integration, the
iHTML Merchant will allow you to provide electronic commerce today.
Through a partnership with Internet Secure who can do VISA and MasterCard
merchant setup without requiring a deposit, Inline and the iHTML
Merchant gives you another option for electronic commerce.
Credit-Card Processing
Two different systems for real-time credit card processing, are supported:
CyberCash and Internet Secure. With the CyberCash integration, shoppers can make credit card purchases (with or without a client-side wallet) and their credit cards can be authorized and charged in seconds, over the Internet (no modem or additional phone lines required). The CyberCash CashRegister software is free for merchants and is easily integrated with
iHTML Merchant. With the Internet Secure service, merchants can accept secure credit card payments even without a secure server and can also get set up with a merchant account if they don't have one already. Neither CyberCash or Internet Secure are part of iHTML, but the Merchant components are designed to work well with these systems. Other credit card authorization systems can be made to work with the merchant server as well.
Dynamic Sales Reports
With the click of a link on the administration page, store managers can see a variety of charts representing their up-to-the-minute sales. An infinite variety of customized charts can be added.
Ad Rotation
Banner ad rotation is a no-brainer with iHTML Merchant. Ads for products within the store––or for outside sites––can be set to rotate randomly through all or part of the online store. The ads can also be weighted so some show up more than others.
Fully Customizable
Although the merchant components of iHTML Merchant are well thought-out and full-featured, perhaps the most exciting aspect of iHTML Merchant is its unlimited customizability. Unlike most other merchant server products, you can modify not only the look and feel of the store by modifying the HTML templates, you can change the entire functionality in any way you choose. You get the complete source code. And, since iHTML Merchant is written in easy-to-learn and manipulate iHTML, all changes can be made without compiling and with a minimum amount of hassle. You can be assured that iHTML can change and grow with you, because you're not locked into anything.
Tax Handling
The system handles multiple tax systems.
A table of each state has the tax rate for up to two levels
of taxation and whether the company is charging tax for that state.
Inline makes no warranty to the validity of the tax rates provided
in the table.
The freight charges are handling in a multitude of
manners. The configuration system will allow a base shipping amount,
a rate based on weight, individual freight per product calculated
either for local or international customers.
There is a 20 page section of the
iHTML manual that explains how the Merchant system was created
and how it works so users can make modifications for their own